
A Word From The Founder

Cavalry greetings in Jesus Name.
You are welcomed to LIFE Changers Ministry.
The Purpose of this Ministry is Life Change; change of Character-- who we are, and Conduct -- how we behave, as the Bible aptly put it;
" So that God's people may be up to the task ahead and have all they need to accomplish every good work"(2 Timothy 3 17)
Patrick Utomi
Founder of Life Changers Ministry
" In Him was life; and the life was the light of men"
(John 1.4)
To propagate the gospel by means of preaching for life change.
Transmitting the Life of God to others.

To accomplish our mission

1. We are to transfer the Life of God (ZOE) -The Spiritual Substance in God.
2. To change the lives of those who believe in Him - John 5.26-27
3. That all that believe, should transfer this Christ - like Characters and obtain the favour of the LORD ( Proverbs 8:35 )
4. The objective is for every Nation of the world to be reached for Jesus Christ.