Calvary greetings to all Nigerians.
The Bible says:
" A naive ( proud, pompous, defiantly arrogant, scoffer, conceited, mocker) person wises up when he sees a mocker punished. A wise person becomes even wiser just by being instructed ( Proverbs 21: 11 italics mine)
Can I say here that some people are not instructed no matter their educational attainment. This is sad. You will agree with me, everyone may think his own way of living is right, but the Eternal examines the heart.
Some people do not guard their words, or mind what they say, and very soon they will find themselves in trouble. Most times, we do not like or want to believe it, but there are limits to what humans can accomplish.
Some public individuals in so many places are incarcerated today for careless utterances. I pray for more to be dumped in prisons, may be they will learn bitter lessons of their lives.
Some one says: " just a simple election" people choose to die.
I wish them luck. When will these people wises up and do the right thing. It is ironic that some may have traveled all over the world to see what happens elsewhere. Please, remember that simple election should not be a do or die syndrome
Remember, also that the final destination for mankind is the grave - some to Eternal glory and some to everlasting perdition.
The Bible says:
" For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul" ( Matthew 16: 26 KJV)
Consider this saying and be wise.
Bless your day.
Pastor Patrick Utomi.