Calvary greetings in Jesus name. Divine Providence has ways and means that go beyond human understanding.
Human abilities are limited except when God is involved. That was the case of Queen Esther of old testament history. Her case no doubt could be a story to learn from.
The Bible says of Mordecai to Esther:
" Tell Esther, " Don't be fooled. Just because you are living inside the King's palace doesn't mean that you out of all the Jews will escape the carnage. You must go before your King.
If you stay silent during this time, deliverance for the Jews will come from somewhere, but you, my child, and all of your father's family will die. And who knows? Perhaps you have been made queen for such a time as this " ( Esther 4 : 13-14 The VOICE BIBLE)
Are you in authority, "a bread winner" on quote, champion amongst friend's, head of families to mention just a few. Take note! If that opportunity to help your people, community, friends -- if you fail to make the right decision in life now when you have the opportunity, it may be late and regrettable.
Remember, that position you are now could be a purpose of God for you to help others. What you fail to do now God could replace you, and render you irrelevant.
Queen Esther realized it and acted accordingly.
Divine Providence has a way and means that go beyond human understanding.
Learn a lesson today and amend your ways before it is too late. The saying goes, " Make haste while the sun shines"
Bless your day.
Pastor Patrick you.