Happy Jesus celebration to you all in Jesus name. The celebration is about the death and resurrection of Jesus our Lord. Briefly, let us sing this old song:
" He died on the cross, he died on the cross
Jesus died on the cross for me;
He rose from the grave, he rose from the grave
Jesus rose from the grave for me."
The passion week signifies sorrow and joy -- Sorrow as regards his passion for mankind, and Joy because he conquered the grave and the cross.
This week is to let Christians all over the world, to remember the last days of Jesus.
He told the Jewish religious leaders at the temple meant for the worship of God, and throw away the tables of those merchandising and money changers saying:
" Is it not written, my house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer?
but ye have made it a dem of thieves" ( Mark 11:17).
The Scribes and Chief priest heard it, and sought how they might destroy he for they feared him, because all the people was astonished at his doctrine -- verse 18..
Many things transpired between the religious leaders and Jesus for short of time -- where His authority comes from. What gives Him the right to heal people on the Sabbath, teach about God, do miracles, and cast out demons?
Many things transpired before Jesus' death on the cross.
The most amazing thing was when Jesus left Jerusalem to Bethany, where he spent the night ( recorded in Matthew 21: 17-18). The next day;
He cursed the fig tree when the fig tree, disappointing, had no figs, only leaves. The disciples were amazed, how the fig tree wither so quickly.
Jesus told them:
" If you have faith and not doubt, then you will be able to wither a fig tree with one glance. You will be able to tell mountains to throw themselves into the ocean, and they will obey."( The Voice Bible)
In other words, He is challenging His disciples to expect the physical creation to respond to their commands and faith.
I declare to you that with faith you will be able to command every mountain standing against you to respond to your command in Jesus name.
Remember, you are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and the gate of hell shall not prevail against you. His Church that cannot be removed or destroyed or anything state or unhealthy in your heart.
The tree that wither is the temple and Jesus is the temple -- the church that death, corruption, or the scheme of men will never destroy.
In conclusion, the passion week is to let all Christians all over the world remember the last days of Jesus.
He cursed the fig tree, and it wither down to the root. The temple also was cleanse.
Let this Easter not just be a time for new clothes, eat the best meals but a time for prayer by faith in Jesus to set us free.
Father, please uproot my doubts and crush my fears in Jesus name.
Father, cleanse my heart of any thing that is contrary to your will in Jesus name.
Father, fill afresh with your faith and empower me to accomplish what you desire.
Father, let everything dead in my life resurrect in Jesus name.
Happy resurrection day in Jesus mighty name.
Pastor Patrick Utomi.